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py-postgresfixture Fixture for creating PostgreSQL clusters and databases
py-posting Modern API client that lives in your terminal
py-postmarkup BBCode to (X)HTML rendering engine
py-potr Off-The-Record protocol implementation in Python
py-pox Utilities for filesystem exploration and automated builds
py-pp Parallel and distributed programming for Python
py-ppft Distributed and parallel python
py-ppscore Python implementation of the Predictive Power Score
py-prayertime Prayertime algorithm implementation in python
py-pre-commit Framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hook
py-prel Python print elegant
py-premailer Prepare HTML for email embedd CSS to inline
py-preshed Cython hash table mapping
py-prind Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator Utility
py-print Simple printer library
py-prioritized-methods Extension to PEAK-Rules to prioritize methods
py-processing Library for running multiple Python processes using the threading API
py-prody Python Package for Protein Dynamics Analysis
py-progressbar Text progress bar library for Python
py-projectq Open source software framework for quantum computing
py-promise Promises/A+ implementation for Python
py-property-manager Useful property variants for Python programming
py-propyte Template Python program
py-proxy_tools Useful proxy implementation, extracted from werkzeug
py-psamm PSAMM metabolic modeling tools
py-pseudopy Compute and visualize pseudospectra of matrices
py-pseudorandom Generating pseudorandom condition/stimulus for psychological
py-psychopy Psychology and neuroscience software in python
py-psygnal Fast python callback/event system modeled after Qt signals
py-ptex Python Preprocessor for (La)TeX
py-ptpython Python REPL build on top of prompt_toolkit
py-ptrace Python binding of ptrace
py-ptyx pTyX is a python precompiler for LaTeX
py-ptyx-mcq Python precompiler for LaTeX
py-pulp PuLP is an LP modeler written in python
py-pulsar Event driven concurrent framework for Python
py-pweave Scientific reports with embedded python computations
py-pwntools CTF framework and exploit development library
py-Py2Play Network game engine in Python, utilizing P2P model
py-py4j Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects
py-pyaiml PyAIML is an interpreter for AIML
py-pyamf Action Message Format support for Python
py-pyamg Algebraic multigrid solvers in Python
py-pyaml-env Provides yaml file parsing with environment variable resolution
py-pyasynchat Make asynchat available for Python 3.12 onwards
py-pyasyncore Make asyncore available for Python 3.12 onwards
py-pybigwig Python access to bigWig files using libBigWig
py-pybitbucket Python wrapper for the Bitbucket API
py-pycifrw CIF/STAR file support for Python
py-pydelay Translates a system of delay differential equations (DDEs)
py-pydenticon Library for generating identicons
py-pydy Python tool kit for multi-body dynamics
py-pydy-viz Browser based 3D visualization of multibody simulations
py-pyec Evolutionary computation package
py-pyecm Integer factorization with the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM)
py-pyentropy Python module for estimation information theoretic quantities
py-pyevolve Complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python
py-pyfaces Traits-capable windowing framewor
py-pyflation Calculating cosmological perturbations during an inflationary
py-pygit Pythonic bindings for git
py-pyglet Object-oriented programming interface for developing games
py-pygr Pygr graph database for bioinformatics
py-pykit-sci Collection of python modules for science
py-pykit-shared Collection of modules shared amongst my other projects
py-pylint-venv Pylint to use the same Pylint installation with different virtual environments
py-pylith Finite element code for solving dynamic and quasi-static tectonic deformation problems
py-pyls-spyder Spyder extensions for the python-lsp-server
py-pymatgen Genomics is a robust materials analysis for structures and molecules
py-pymbolic Python package for symbolic computation
py-pymdown-extensions Extension pack for Python Markdown
py-pymigemo Python bindings for C/Migemo
py-pymvpa Multivariate pattern analysis
py-pynest2d Python bindings for libnest2d
py-pynetbox Python API client library for NetBox
py-pynfo Nice, configureable info bot in Python
py-pynitrokey Python library for Nitrokey devices
py-pynn Python package for neuronal network models
py-pyomo OO algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization
py-pyon Lattice QCD library including statistical, fitting, plotting functions
py-pyphant Workflow modelling app
py-pypi-browser Graphical interface for browsing the Python Package Index
py-pypol Python module to manage monomials and polynomials
py-pypot Python 3 Library for Robot Control
py-pyqu PyQu is an extension module for Python to implement quantum algorithms
py-pyquante Quantum chemistry in Python
py-pyramid Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project
py-pyrit WPA/WPA2-PSK and a world of affordable many-core platforms
py-pyrr 3D mathematical functions using NumPy
py-pysal Python Spatial Analysis Library
py-pysam Python module for reading, manipulating and writing genomic data sets
py-pysb Python Systems Biology modeling framework
py-pyscard Python module adding smart cards support to Python
py-pyside Pyside Qt bindings for Python
py-pyside-setup Qt for Python
py-pyside-shiboken Pyside (shiboken prerequisite)
py-pyside-tools Pyside tools
py-PySide2 Python binding for Qt5
py-pyslha Parsing, manipulating and visualising SUSY Les Houches Accord data
py-pyspark Apache Spark Python API
py-pysph General purpose Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework
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